Составьте пассивные предложения. 1. I have read the book. 2. He is writing a letter now. 3. Sarah has opened the present. 4. The boys were playing football at 4 o’clock. 5. Kevin had paid the bill. 6. Meghan is doing her homework at the moment


Ответ дал: Аноним


1. I have read the book

  • The book is read by me.

2. He is writing a letter

  • A letter is written by him

3. Sarah has opened the present

  • The present was opened by Sarah

4. The boys were playing football at 4 o'clock.

  • Football was being played by the boys at 4 o'clock.

5. Kevin had played the bill.

  • The bill had been payed by Kevin.

6. Meghan is doing her homework at the moment

  • Her homework was been done by Meghan at that moment
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