Пж помогите. Условия:нужно проставить вопросительные предлоги например What, Where, итд..

2. ___ dress do you want to wear, the red one or the blue one?

5. ___ does this CD player work?

6. ___ is bothering you?

7.___is the car?

9. ___ are the sisters going to leave?

11. ___ did the party last? - Almost two hours

12.___ did you do in Australia?

13.___ jacket is this? - I think it's mine

14.___do they normally do their homework?

15.___don't you get up earlier? It's so sunny outside

16.___do you do on weekends?

18.___was the flight? Oh, it was great,

20.___textbook did you use last summer?

21.___do you normally get to school?

22.___did you find her? - Yesterday evening. She was in the park

23.___does she teach?

24.___ have you been all the time? - At the playground.

25.___can John ask if he wants to go to the university?

26.___was the play? It was great.

27. ___do you want to eat? Pasta and cheese.

28. ___did you leave your keys?

29.___one do you prefer? - The red one.

30. ___do you go to the gym?


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


2. Which. 5. How 6. Who 7. Where 9.Where 11.When 12.What 13. Whose 14. How long 15. Why 16. What 18. How 30. What 21. How long 22. When 23. Where 24. Where 25.What 26. How 27. What 28. Where 29. Which



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