Помогите пожалуйста!!Очень надо!
2 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 0 He wanted to know if we were going to stay. 1.She asked if we would visit again the ________ _______ summer. 2.They wanted to know why we _____________ leaving. 3. He said he _____________ call us more often in the future. 4.She announced she _____________ want that job at all. 5.I was interested to know ____________ there would be another interview.

3 Rewrite the sentences and questions as reported speech statements. 0 ‘I want to go there tomorrow,’ I explained. I explained I wanted to go there the next day.
1.'Please, don't accept this job,’ I asked her. 2.‘Are you interested in a part-time job?’ she wanted to know.
3.‘You should get up earlier than you do,’ Emma said to me then.
4.‘I won’t be late again this week,’ Jimmy told me.
5.‘We spoke to her two days ago,’ we explained


Ответ дал: rixxgreg




3-7 4-2,5-8,-9-4

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