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Написать текст про свою комнату на английском по плану
2-3 предложения( about the necessity of having private space).
2-3 предложения( furniture).
A view.
5 предложений (the activities you do there).
My dream room.
Conclusion. ​


Ответ дал: sagidollahakim29


I have got a big room. I have got a table. I do my homework sitting at the table. Near the table there is a chair. Opposite the table there is a sofa. I sleep on the sofa. There is a big window in the room. From the window I can see our yard and my friends playing tag. I have got a cupboard. I keep my clothes, books and some toys there. There is a special place for my toys in the room - a big box. It is always warm in my room. I like it very much!

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