1 Bob (to play) football every Monday. 2 Mary (to have) dinner with Bob at 6 pm. 3 They (to be) in love. 4 Bob (walk) the dog twice per day. 5 We (to be) happy family. 6 I (to be) always hungry. 7 (Do/does) Mary (to play) piano? Yes, she (do/does). 8 (Do/does) Bob and Mary (to go) to the bar on Tuesday? No, they (don't/doesn't).​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

1 Bob  plays football every Monday. 2 Mary  has dinner with Bob at 6 pm. 3 They are in love. 4 Bob walks the dog twice per day. 5 We are happy family. 6 I am always hungry. 7 Does Mary play piano? Yes, she does. 8 Do Bob and Mary  go to the bar on Tuesday? No, they don't.​

Ответ дал: aminaaitbay7


1. Bob plays football every Monday. 2. Mary has dinner with Bob at 6 p.m. 3. They are in love. 4. Bob walks with the dog twice per day. 5. We are happy family. 6. I am always hungry. 7. Does Marry play piano? Yes, she does. 8. Do Bob and Mary go to the bar on Tuesday? No, they don't.


Present simple

Do/Does Verb + S

To be




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