A Complete the blanks with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
My best friend, Julie, (1)_
(work) at the Playtime toy
shop. She (2).
She (4)
(like) working there because she
(meet) lots of people every day, especially children.
(love) children and she (5)
(enjoy) showing them how the toys work. The shop (6)
(open) at 10am and (7)
(close) at 6pm. Julie
(not mind) working long hours but her workmates
(always/complain) because they
(think) the job is tiring. This week, Julie
(not work) at the shop. She has taken some time
(not sit) at home relaxing.
(work) at a friend's restaurant. You see, she (14)
off work. However, she (12)
She (13)
(need) the extra money because she (15)
(want) to buy a car.



Ответ дал: HellishHelen


My best friend, Julie, (1) works at the Playtime toy
shop. She (2) likes working there because she (3) meets lots of people every day, especially children. She (4) loves children and she (5) enjoys showing them how the toys work. The shop (6) opens at 10 am and (7) closes at 6pm. Julie (8) doesn't mind working long hours but her workmates (9) always complain because they (10) think the job is tiring. This week, Julie (11) isn't working at the shop. She has taken some time off work. However, she (12) isn't sitting at home relaxing. She (13) is working at a friend's restaurant. You see, she (14) needs the extra money because she (15) wants to buy a car.
1.works - повседневное действие ->Present Simple
2.likes - stative verb -> Present Simple
3.meets - повседневное действие ->Present Simple
4.loves - stative verb -> Present Simple
5.enjoys- stative verb -> Present Simple
6.opens - повседневное действие ->Present Simple
7.closes - повседневное действие ->Present Simple
8.doesn't mind - stative verb -> Present Simple
9.always complain -> постоянное действие ->Present Simple
10.think - stative verb -> Present Simple
11. isn't working  - временное действие -> Present Continuous
12. isn't sitting -> временное действие -> Present Continuous
13. is working -> временное действие -> Present Continuous
14. needs - модальный глагол, нельзя с "ing"
15. wants - stative verb -> Present Simple


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