Вставьте правильную форму будущего времени

1. It __ probably (rain) tomorrow.2. The sky is dark. It ___ (rain).3. I think your father ___ (take) me with you.4. Look at that tree. It ___ (fall ) down.5. It’s Christmas morning and mum____(cook) a turkey.6. I think, in future we ___study on the Internet.7. I hope Mary ___ (pass) her exam.8. In 100 million years the sun __ (be) dead.

3.Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect Continuous. Запишите ответы.

1..I …. (watch) the last season of “Game of Thrones” since yesterday. They ….( hitchhikе) for seven years. She …. (play) volleyball since childhood. I have been cleaning the kitchen all morning. I am very tired. I … (wash) the car. I need to take a shower. It’s a …dance.

5.Fill in(Заполните пропуски): shy, easy-going, stubborn, unreliable, selfish

1 Bob likes meeting people. He rarely gets upset. He is … .

2. Sue always wants to do things her own way. She is … .

3. Laura always blushes when people talk to her. She is … .

6. You can’t trust him. He always lies to people. He is … .

7. Tony doesn’t care about other people’s feelings. He is … .


Ответ дал: TinaOd


1 задание со словами в скобках ничего не происходит, везде где пропуски нужно написать вспомогательное слово will

2. задание

1. have been watching

2. have been hitchhiking

3. has been playing

4. have been washing

3. задание

1. easy-going


3. shy

6. unreliable

7. selfish

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