Read Sarah's messages. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Message 1
Hi, Nina. I ... (sit) in my room in Castle Rock Hostel in Edinburgh now and writing this message. I'm not alone here, I'm with Nick, my boyfriend. We ...(stay) here this month. We ...(like) it here so much. Every day we visit different tourist attractions. We often ...(get up) very early at 7 or 8 a.m. Nick usually ...(cook) breakfast and then we go for a walk around Edinburgh Castle. Then we visit museums and art galleries and walk around Edinburgh enjoying the beauty of its nature. Nick says that Edinburgh is the most beautiful city in the world. He ...(not/want) to leave it. ...(you/want) to come to Edinburgh in the future?
Message 2
Hi, Nina. It’s me again. At the moment we ...(visit) a very famous place in Edinburgh – Holyrood Palace. I can’t find the words to describe the beauty of this place. Nick ...(take) a lot of pictures of this place while I ...(write) this message. Right now so many tourists ...(walk) in the palace garden that he can’t take a nice picture. Nina, are you still in Glasgow? ...(you/plan) to come to Edinburgh?


Ответ дал: elinabugaeva3


am sitting 

are staying 

get up 


doesn't want 

Do you want 

are visiting

is taking 

am writing 

are walking

do you plan


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