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Ответ дал: TheHouseOfWindsor


Ex 1.

1. The documents are printed by the secretary

2. The door is closed by the cleaner

3. The trainers are bought by sportspeople

4. The bike is mended in the garage

5. The letters are delivered by the postman

6. Newspaper is read by many people

7. Milk are drunk by her cat every evening

8. Bags are sold in these shops

9. E-mails are written by managers every sunday

Ex 2.

1. Five wonderful songs wefe sung by coldplay

2. The book was given me by tom

3. The taxi was stopped by my mom

4. The cycle was stolen by somebody

5. Romeo and juilet was written by shakespeare

6. The race wasn't won by charlie

7. T-shirt and shorts were worn by my brother

8. Two bottles of juice were drunk by John

9. Volleyball was played by teenagers

10. His broken car was repaired by the car mechanic


Passive voice Present simple складається

Іменник, допоміжне слово is/are , дієслово 3 групи і ким ця дія була зроблена.

Торт печеться мною - The cake is baked by me

Passive voice Past simple складається

Іменник, допоміжне слово was/were, дієслово 3 групи і ким ця дія була зроблена

Круасан був доставлений моєю сестрою - This croissant was delivered by my sister.

Якщо слово неправильне використовуємо таблицю неправильних дієслів, а якщо правильно то в кінці -ed

played, visited

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