5 Write six sentences describing how your do different things. Use the verbs in the first box and adverbs formed from the adjectives in the second box.
Verbs: speak play sports ,draw, work, play computer games, cook, sew, learn ,behave
Adjectives: good ,hard ,correct, polite ,angry, successful ,responsible ,careful​


Ответ дал: poulinaorechkina


1)I usualy cook very careful because i afraid that i can cut myself.

2) For me it's wery hard to play any sports,it makes me such tired.

3) I try to speak polite with old people to make them feel happier.

4)When i play computer games i always become angry,cause everybody distract me!

5)I'm good in sew,my mother taught me it.

6)I never can do my work correct because of this annoing noise!

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