4. Choose the correct verb.
A: Carol: Where do/does Elizabeth work/works?
David: She works/work in a hospital.
Carol: Really? What do/does she do/does there?
David: She am/work/is/works a doctor.
B: Paul: Where does/do you work/works?
James: I work/works in a department store.
Paul: Oh. And what does/do you does/do there?
James: I are/is/am a salesperson. I sells/sell computers.
C: Steve: What does/do Tom does/do?
Jack: He works/work/am/is in an electronics store.
Steve: What does/do he does/do there, exactly?
Jack: He repair/repairs TVs.​


Ответ дал: ffiiffii006


A: Carol: Where does Elizabeth work?

David: She works in a hospital.

Carol: Really? What does she do there?

David: She is a doctor.

B: Paul: Where do you work?

James: I work in a department store.

Paul: Oh. And what do you do there?

James: I am a salesperson. I sell computers.

C: Steve: What does Tom do?

Jack: He works in an electronics store.

Steve: What does he do there, exactly?

Jack: He repairs TVs.

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