G. Complete with the full or bare infinitive or the-ing form of the verbs in brackets. If you're planning (1) interested in (2) that difficult (3) To begin with, you can (4) (5) (6) (spend) time (discover) interesting places and sights just by (walk) around. Of course, if (7) (wander) around on foot isn't your idea of (8) (have) fun, then you might (9) (10) (get) around. Just make sure you don't forget (12) (take) your driving licence with you. If you feel like (17) where (18) (visit) a foreign country, but aren't .(go) with a group, don't worry. It isn't (go) alone. Here are some useful tips. If you choose (13) (shop), always remember (15) before (16) bargains. (rent) a car or a motorbike (11) Finally, if you get ill, be careful (21) without (22) (recommend) a few places. Avoid (20) that haven't been recommended to you. (go) (14) (want) (look) around first (buy) anything. so that you don't miss any (go), ask a local (19) (go) out at night but don't know (see) a doctor first. In order to have an enjoyable trip wherever you decide (23) (go), just make sure you've planned everything in advance. (visit) places (not take) anything​



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


If you're planning (1) to visit a foreign country, but aren't interested in (2) going with a group, don't worry. It isn't that difficult (3) to go alone. Here are some useful tips.

To begin with, you can (4) spend time (5) discovering interesting places and sights just by (6) walking around. Of course, if (7) wandering around on foot isn't your idea of (8) having fun, then you might (9) want (10) to rent a car or a motorbike (11) to get around. Just make sure you don't forget (12) to take your driving licence with you.

If you choose (13) to go (14) shopping, always remember (15) to look around before (16) buying anything, so that you don't miss any bargains.

If you feel like (17) going out at night but don't know where (18) to go, ask a local (19) to recommend a few places. Avoid (20) visiting places that haven't been recommended to you.

Finally, if you get ill, be careful (21) not to take anything without (22) seeing a doctor first.

In order to have an enjoyable trip wherever you decide (23) to go, just make sure you've planned everything in advance.


Это задание на употребление герундия (формы с -ing) и инфинитива (с частицей to и без неё).

Нужно знать глаголы и выражения/конструкции, после которых употребляется либо герундий, либо инфинитив. Важно различать, где и как употреблять герундий и инфинитив, поскольку от этого нередко зависит смысл предложения (например,  remember (помнить):
Do you remember opening the window? / Помнишь, как ты открывал окно?

Remember to open the window. / Не забудь открыть окно.)

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