3 Choose the correct alternative. In one sentence both alternatives are correct.
1 Did people use/used to go on holiday 100 years ago?
2 We didn't use to/wouldn't have short hair.
3 My friend and I use to/usually go to the cinema on Friday.
4 I used to win/won a competition once. 5 It used to/would be very expensive to fly in the past.
6My best friend and I used to/would talk for hours.
7 Years ago it would take/usually takes days to cross the Atlantic.​


Ответ дал: Sasha02649

1. Did people used to go on holiday 100 years ago?

2 We didn't use to have a short hair

3. My friend and I usually go to the cinema on Friday

4 I used to won a competition once.

5. It used to very expensive to fly in the past.

6. My best friend and I would talk for hours.

7. Years ago it would take days to cross the Atlantic

dpdlmqmwsai: Thanks
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