23. Those are the people. ... missed the train. A) who B) which C) what D) whom E) whose

24. She didn't like the skirts... I wanted to buy. A) what B) that C) who D) whose E) whom

25. The bed... I wanted to buy was expensive. 1. Whom 2. Which 3. That 4. Who A) 1,2 B) 1,3 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E) 1,4

26. Choose the correct pronoun or pronouns. books have you read? 1. What 3. Which A) 1,3 C) 1,4 E) 1,2

27. Choose the correct pronoun. Korea has got 2 television networks.... show different programs A) It C) They E) Them 2. Whom 4. What kind B) 2,4 D) 2, 3

28.... planet is like a plane travelling round the Sun and we are like the passengers on .... A) Ours, it C) Our, its E) Our, it's C) Any E) Neither B) We D) I

29. Ann has two sisters.... of them are married. A) Each 1. Every 4. Either A) 1, 4, 5 C) 1,4 E) 1,3,5 B) Ours, its D) Our, it

30.... of our students are clever. 2. Most 5. Each B) Every D) Both B) 2, 3, 4 D) 2, 3 3. All​


Ответ дал: makinnkirill


23. who

24. that

25. which

26. what

27. it

28. A)


30. most


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