б) Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложе- нию, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное: 1. The teacher has introduced a new pupil to the class. (Who...) 2. Lyuda has read the English text. (Has...) 3. Mother has written a long letter to her daughter. (What...) 4. They have been to Saratov this year. (Where...) 5. We have already had four lessons today. (How many...) 6. The pupil on duty has put the chalk and the duster in the box. (Who...)

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Ответ дал: nazarovaksenia623


1. Who has introduced a new pupil to the class?

2. Has Lyuda read the English text?

3. What has mother written to her daughter?

4. Where have they been this year?

5. How many lessons have we had today?

6. Who has put the chalk and duster in the box?

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