2.Complete with correct question tags.

1. Apples aren't expensive, ...?

2. We won't buy any fruit today,...?

3. Paris isn't the capital of Portugal, ...?

4. You wouldn't like to be a dentist, ...?

5. The Smiths don't travel much, ...?

6. Your parents haven't been abroad,...?

7. Little Billy doesn't go to school yet, ...?

8. Teachers shouldn't be too strict, ...?

9. You didn't arrive on time, ...?

10. Our neighbours can't drive, ...?


Ответ дал: amangeldilina


apapapapapapapapa i.m not do youvdiididisiakjsgdydududhdhdududududududududududususus. dhudusjwbaiaooana dhussnsbysjakpapa eidiudbebsisije ✨✨✌️✨✌️✨

i'm not


didisiauahgsdgeusi shahsyrhfyeiw dyue r thtiriwydffhchcud

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