Срочна пжжж срочнааа



Ответ дал: aruzhantastemir00


1. а) wear

b) wears

2. a) does leaves

b) do leave

3. a)take

b) do take

4. a) doesn't see

b) doesn't see

5. a) starts

b) start

6. a) do work

b) does work

samiraboltirik: рахмет көп
Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. a.People often wear...

b. ... so I am wearing a T-shirt.

2. a. Why is Ruth leaving so early this evening? b.What time does the last bus leave on Fridays?

3. a . I never take your things.

b.Why are you taking so many photos?

4. Merinda doesn't see her boyfriend every day. b.She isn't seeing him again until next Friday.

5. ... . It's starting to rain

b. Our first lesson starts at 8.30a.m.

6. Where does your mum usually work?

b. Is she working late tonight?


am, is are ( зависит от подлежащего)+ глагол- сказуемое с окончанием - ing - Present Continuous.

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