Speaking Task2 Copy and complete the table about your routine on school days. Then use it to talk class about your daily routine. (Use in speaking Present Simple and Present Continuous) Time Before school At lunchtime After school In the evenings Before bed Next time Activities помогите пж дам 20-30 баллов ​


Ответ дал: tetanakirusok


Being not an early riser, I always get up at 7.30. Then I go to the bathroom to have a shower and to clean my teeth. At 8 o’clock I have breakfast. It usually consists of two sandwiches, an egg and a cup of tea or coffee. After that I get dressed and left home for the university (school, office). As a rule, it takes me half an hour to get there. My study (work) begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 or 5 p.m. I have at lunch about midday. On the way home I visit a neighboring store to buy some food. When I get home I cook dinner. Then I have a meal. In the evening I usually have a rest, watching TV or reading books. Sometimes I play or computer games surf the Net. At 10 o’clock I prepare for sleep. I go to bed at half past 10 or at 11 p.m.

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