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Ответ дал: mopedmoped700


As we know,, humanity has been actively developing and trying to develop new types of medicines, cosmetics, shampoos on animals. In order for animal testing to stop, humanity needs to find ways to replace animals for experiments, for example, on artificial skin that has been grown in a laboratory. Unfortunately, such technologies will only be in the future, because much money will need to be spend on it.

Ответ дал: megufush
Many companies nowadays are testing their products on animals, which can be very painful to these innocent creatures. Some people have resorted to not purchasing products from these companies to show that they do not support them. So why should these companies legally be allowed to test on animals, if people are locked up every day for animal cruelty? As Thomas Paine said in “The Crisis”, “If we reason to the root of things we shall find no difference; neither can any just cause be assigned why we should just punish in one case, and pardon in the other.” No matter which way you may look at it an animal is being hurt and it is our responsibility to speak up for them if they cannot.

Yet on the other hand, animal testing when done correctly can help us advance in many fields of learning. As done for most of our medications, scientists first tested animals to determine the safety before moving on to humans. They then see how the animal reacts to the drug before testing on humans, which could have produced deadly consequences if not otherwise tested on animals. So although this can be very painful to the animal, it is also very beneficial to humans.
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