Написать сочинение на тему Белорусь. Небольшое. Что бы там было на подобие Белорусь имеет 6 областей и т.д


Ответ дал: alicegritsenko

Відповідь: Composition My Motherland Belarus

How much meaning in one word - Motherland ... How many feelings are caused by just one country - Belarus. We remember all its unsurpassed beauty, think about our great, beautiful country and are proud. For each of us, the country where we were born evokes the warmest and brightest feelings.

My free and strong country Belarus is famous for its culture, richness of forests and woodlands, great fields and rivers.

Of course, like every country, Belarus has its own difficult historical past. The path to its independence was very thorny. But in spite of everything, my country respects its predecessors.


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