СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! СИЖУ НА К/Р!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. a) Look at a dictionary page for the word "weekend" and complete the questions. at the weekend (on the weekend - USA), at weekends, long weekend, this / next / last weekend, to spend weekend, weekend trip week- 1. Did you take part in a dance workshop end? 2. Do you usually go out ... weekends? 3. How are you going to ... your ... weekend? 4. Is Christmas a... weekend in Belarus? 5. Would you like to go on a week- end...? 6. What did you do ... the weekend?​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. Did you take part in a dance workshop at the weekend? 2. Do you usually go out at weekends? 3. How are you going to spend your next weekend? 4. Is Christmas a long weekend in Belarus? 5. Would you like to go on a weekend trip? 6. What did you do at the weekend?​


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