23. Fill in the blanks with the correct question tags. M (6.15 A: Hey, that girl looks familiar, (1) doesn't she? B: Yes, she does. She's not the one who sits behind you in Maths, ? (2) A: You mean Johanna, (3) ? I don't think so. Johan- na hasn't got red hair, (4) ? B: Well maybe she's dyed it. Girls like this, (5) ? A: Yes, they do. I don't think it's Johanna though. She's too short to be her, (6) ? B: I'm not so sure... (d ? A: OK, fine, but Johanna has a sweeter smile, (7) W (d B: Does she? A: Of course, she does. She's the prettiest girl in class. B: Martin, you're not in love with Johanna, (8) ? даю 35 балов за норм ответ​


Ответ дал: 2006anna1311


2 does she

3 doesn't she

4 does she

5 doesn't they

6 doesn't

7 doesn't she

8 does you

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