1 фото - скласти речення , використовуючи структуру has got
2 фото - використати в стверджувальному реченні структуру has got, потім скласти питання і заперечну форму на них. ( дивимось на поданий зразок)

3 фото - вставити there are /there is



Ответ дал: maria22star

Ответ:            Вправа 1

1.There is a letter  on your desk. It is from your uncle.

2.There are some people in the office.

3. "Where's my football"   "There is in the garden"

4. Look! There is a beautiful rainbrow.

5. There are  two parks in this town. It is quite big.

6.There is a box on the desk. It is Laura's.

                    Вправа 2

2.Sally has got an umbrella. Has Sally got a hat? No, Sally haven't got a hat.

3.Anna and Tom have got a parrot. Have Anna and Tom a parrot?                No, Anna and Tom haven't got a horse.

4. The table has got four legs. Have the table got three legs.         No,the table haven't got three legs.

5.They have got a white cat.Have  they got a black cat. No, they haven't got black cat.

6.The dog has got a long tail. Has the dog a short tail? No, Mike hasn't got a camera.

7.Mike has got a computer. Has Mike got a camera. No, Mike hasn't got a camera.

                Вправа 3

2.Tony's got a red ball.

3.He's got seven goldfish.

4.It's a yellow kite.

5.They've got a new car.



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