1.A person who makes people laugh and tells jokes is ... 2.My friend never let me down. He is ... . 3.My friend always writes bad comments about everything. He is ... 4.He usually treats everybody the same. He is ... 5.He doesn't tell your secrets to other people. He is ... . 6.Our teacher is very ... and won't let us talk in class. 7.Thank you for your advice, you are always ... 8.A person who always likes to be in the company of other people

ВАРИАНТЫ:Strict, reliable, sociable, amusing, fair, helpful, trustworthy, pessimistic​


Ответ дал: gijigadareuli

1. Amusing

2. Helpful

3. Pessimistic

4. Fair

5. Trustworthy

6. Strict

7. Reliable

8. Sociable

gijigadareuli: Дайте лучший ответ пожалуйста
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gijigadareuli: да
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