Hello? Matt? Where are you? I (1) for you outside the phone shop. You outside the games shop. (2) Where's that? OK, wait there. I (3) to meet you. What? No, I (4) the escalator. Oh, you're near the lift. Well, I'm at the top of the escalator now. I (5). left and I (6) past a butcher's. What? Oh, I (7) the wrong way. OK, I (8) around. There's the games shop, but where are you? Oh, is that you? (9) a blue you jacket? OK, I can see you. Yes, I know you (10) Wait there until I get there. Bye. . 2 Сс 1 2 1​


Ответ дал: topigry451


I don't know hahahhahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah

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