пожалуйста, 20 балов
Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences.
1 I chose / was choosing a glass model of the Eiffel Tower when I broke / was breaking it!
2 | answered / was answering the phone while I sat / was sitting in the cinema.
3 We saw/were seeing a bear while we drove / were driving along the mountain road!
4 We flew / were flying to the USA when we saw / were seeing another plane fly past us!
5 We waited/ were waiting for our plane when the police told/ were telling everyone to leave the airport.
6 As we sailed / were sailing to the island, a dolphin appeared / was appearing in the water!
7 Amber and Johnny ate / were eating dinner when the waiter dropped / was dropping a bottle of water.
8 I fell/was falling and hurt myself as I ran / was running to catch the bus.



Ответ дал: Murikx
1) Was choosing / Broke
2) Answered / Was sitting
3) Saw / Were driving
4) Were flying / Saw
5) Were waiting / Told
6) Were sailing / Appeared
7) Were eating / Dropped
8) Fell / Was running

viktoria50510: дякую!
Ответ дал: ezzamarria


1. was choosing, broke

2. answered, was sitting

3. saw, were driving

4. were flying, saw

5. were waiting, told

6. were sailing, appeared

7. were eating, dropped

8. fell, was running


Past Simple используется для описания однократных действий. Past Continuos — для продолжительных.

Если действующее лицо в единственном числе, то используем форму "was". Для множественного числа — "were".

viktoria50510: спасибо!!!!
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