I. Напишите предложения, спрягая глагол to be:
Ex. She isn't from Kiev. (X) She is from Odessa.. (V)
1. They/from the USA. (X) They/from Britain. (√)
2. She/my sister. (X) She/my mother. (√)
3. The children/ at school. (X)
4. We/ from Bulgaria. (X)
5. Nick/ from New York. (X)
6. It/ a book by London. (X)
They/ at home. (√)
We/from Nurnberh. (√)
He/from St.Petersburg. (√)
It/ a book by Dickens. (√)



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


They aren't from the USA. They are from Britain.

She isn't my sister. She is my mother.

The children aren't at school. They are at home.

We aren't from Bulgaria. We are from Nurnberh.

Nick isn't from New York. He is from St. Petersburg.

It isn't a book by London. It is a book by Dickens.


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