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Ответ дал: bekarisaitzhan1604

1. I send text messages to my friends and relatives very almost every day.

2. The last time I wrote a letter was in my childhood. I wrote a letter to Santa Claus

3. I use talking in real life the most. Because that's very convenient to have a person talking with you next to you.

4. I use internet every day in my phone. I surf the net, watch cartoons and text my friends


апай дұрыс деді

Ответ дал: m0tsart



1) I send text messages every hour.

2) I have never written a letter.

3) Mostly I use SMS and messengers like WhatsApp and Telegram, also social media like Instagram.

4) I use Internet every day. I use it when I'm at home or at school. I use it if I need help with my homework or if I need to answer for some difficult questions.I also use it for ordering food, talking with my friends or watching movies.

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