1. What’s your favorite subject?

2. Why do you like it?

3. Who is the teacher?

4. Which subjects are you good at?

5. Which subjects are you poor at?

6. Who is your favorite teacher?

7. What subject does he or she teach?

8. Why do you like him or her?

9. Do you have to wear a uniform to your school?

10. Do you like wearing a uniform?

11. Are you a member of a school club?

12. How often do you meet?


Ответ дал: amahovamedina
1. My favorite subject is «»
2.I like it because it very interesting and exciting.
3.My teacher is«»
4.I am good at math (например)
5. i'm poor at «»
6.My favorite teacher is«»
7.He/she teaches math class(тоже пример)
8. I like him/her because he/she is very kind and explains well
10.Yes,I like it/No I don’t like it
11.Yes I am/No I am not
12.We meet«»
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