Example: She (not/sleep) hasn't been sleeping much recently. 1. He (not/walk) 2. They (not/travel) October. 3. Nick (not/work) 4. They (not/eat) skinny. 5. Ben (not/smoke) 6. I (not/do) 7. Maria (not/talk) 8. Kate (not/ride) a lot recently. together since last today. enough, they're very for 10 years now. anything since I woke up. to Allan since Monday. her bike for 2 weeks.​



Ответ дал: zavialova836
1. He hasn’t walked a lot recently.
2. They haven’t traveled together since last October.
3. Nick hasn’t worked today.
4. They haven’t eaten enough, they’re very skinny.
5. Ben hasn’t smoked for 10 years now.
6. I haven’t done anything since I woke up.
7. Maria hasn’t talked to Allan since Monday.
8. Kate hasn’t ridden her bike for 2 weeks.
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