Англійська мова до 12:10 є час



Ответ дал: shuichisaiharo4


3)- hi, would you like to go to a concert today?

-oh , come on , of course , how can I refuse here !

after a while...

- it was fun, I agree it was cool

-thank you for spending time with me!

4) *letter* hello friend, as soon as he finds himself having fun, I invite you to my friend's party!!

- oh, a letter has arrived.. I was invited to a party hooray!!!

after a while

-hey dude, hi, let's go to the house and have fun -of course!!

it's been more than three o'clock

-it was cool bro thank you for calling so I'd be sitting at home in boredom

-come and I'll be waiting! )

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