английский пж помогите от 1 до 5 ​



Ответ дал: SmileDayERROR

1. go - went

see - saw

decide - decided

give - gave

wear - wore

discover - discovered

buy - bought

drop - dropped

do - did

eat - ate

have - had

come - came

live - lived

say - said

take - took

2. 3. She did sent an her email the Bank

4. She didn't give call mother about Dad Birthday

5. She Did meet Bab at 7:30 outside the cinema

6. She didn't finish a Giograph

3. 1. lived

2. became


4. visited

5. decided

6. learnt



9. disappeared

10. saw

4. 2. Did Amelia become a doctor (as лишнее)

3. Did she fly across the Atlantic in 1928?

4. Did Amelia’s plane disappear over the Atlantic Ocean?

5. Did anyone see Amelia again?

Чтобы ответить на эти вопросы, нужен текст из упражнения 3. Собственно, чтобы ответить, прочитай текст, и если ответ на вопрос да, то yes, she did. Если нет, то no, she didn’t.

5. 1. When did you last time visit a castle?

It was about 3 years ago on a school trip

(это мой ответ, можно взять этот, можно написать про себя)

2. where did you live when you were six years old?

When I was six I lived in a flat in which I still live now

3. what did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Today for breakfast I ate cereal with milk

4. who did send you a text message yesterday?

Yesterday my friend texted me and asked to go out

Аноним: Спасибо бро
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