Complete the text with the words in Exercise 2. Two words are extra. We like our classroom. There is a 1... on the teacher's desk. We can find our country on it. On the wall, you can see the 2..... of Azerbaijan. Every morning, we look at it and sing our national anthem. We love our country and have a lot of books about it in the 3... We usually read these books during break. Near the door, there is a 4... There are some pictures and notes on it. You can also see a 5. ... on the wall. It shows us time. We have a new 6.... It is fun to use technology at the lessons. There is a 7. in our classroom, too. We use markers to write on it.
пожалуйста переводите текст и запишите слова где стоят ...​

Elnara0: Я тоже не понял


Ответ дал: Vov4ikt

Ответ: блин яв 7 класе и не шарю


aylinkaboginya: это 5 класс
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