Помогите срочно умоляю!!!!!!! Составьте предложения!!!! Пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!!!! Даю 60б!!!!!!



Ответ дал: an4stasia2112
1. Shy children can be caring and good friends, but not talkative
2. Been pretends to be so honest but he can let you down any minute
3. This blond girl is not only always ambitious but she is smart on top
4. My brother is lazy and too little to be helpful but reliable
5. This teacher is fair and he is always there when we need support
6. I usually get on with people, but if mates tease me, I get rude

foxy2644022: Спасибо огромное!!
an4stasia2112: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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