

Ответ дал: an4stasia2112
1 The Browns have been traveling around Portugal since the beginning of July.
My cousin has been staying with us all this summer.
This book has been lying around for ages.
We have been listening to that man for twenty minutes now and he has been talking utter nonsense.
I have been studying French since I was seven.
Mary has been working for the same company since 1992.
They have been reading the same book for weeks.
Susan has been trying to compose a symphony for two years.
They have been building this harbour since last year.
These workers have been living on the dole for quite a long time.

2 Have they arrived already?
Lucy has run 2000 meters today.
I have been cleaning all morning. I'm fed up.
How long have you been knowing Simon?
I have drunk more water recently and I feel better now.
Sorry about the mess. I have been baking.
How many times have you taken this exam?
The baby‘s face is really dirty. What it has been eating?
Luke has never been abroad.
I have been waiting for three hours already.

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