6 Complete with: find, get, save, order, reserve, have, come, go.

1 I'm afraid we don't ............ any more smartwatches in stock.
2 Members of staff ........ a 10% discount on all items in the shop.
3 Does this TV ........ with a one-year guarantee? 4 Fiona likes to .......clothes shopping at the weekend.
5 You can.........money by buying products in bulk.
6 Phil likes to...................products online instead of shopping in the high street.
7 Did you ..................... any bargains in the second-hand shop?
8 Could I............ this item and come back tomorrow to pay for it?​


Ответ дал: tsiuritsulaia3


1. have

2. get


5. save

6. order

7. find

8. reserve

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