Complete the sentences with gerunds or infinitives:

1. Children enjoyed (play) in the park with their friends.

2. Sam's fed up with (listen) to the same discourse.

3. The runner tried (get) a gold medal.

4. We are looking forward to

5. It's no use........ (wait) for him.

(see) our family.

6. You are expected .......(know) the rules in the library.

7. She was fined for......... (exceed) the speed limit.

8. You are not allowed. (stay) here.

9. .....(read) calms me down.

10. Would you mind...... (step) back?

11. These windows must............. (be) cleaned.

12. I managed 13. He is eating healthy food. .(contact) her. ..........(lose) weight.

14. I'm glad........ (hear) from you again.

15. Mark suggested........ (phone) a doctor before....... (go) to hospital.

16............(Lie) on the beach is more pleasant than....... (sit) in my office.

17. An expert is coming....... (show) us how to protect children from viruses.

18. There is a contest....... (find) the best cook.

19. She promised...... (help) her friend... (choose) her wedding dress.

20. It is easier......

(learn) a language by................ (listen) TV shows.

21. You will have. ...(wait) here.

22. Would you like

23. I'd better

(come) with me?

(stay) at home, I don't want........ (annoy) my parents.

24. She apologized for (borrow) my umbrella without.........(ask)

25. He decided 26. It is possible (send) his colleagues an invitation. (tell) the time by. ........ (look) at the shade.

27. He offered (lend) me his car.

28. They might.... (answer) before dark. 29. Did you advised her.

(send) her CV? (answer) the phone and sometimes she lets it....... (ring) 30. She hates......​



Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1. Children enjoyed playing in the park with their friends. (после enjoy нужен герундий)

2. Sam's fed up with listening to the same discourse. (выражение to be fed up with всегда употребляется с герундием)

3. The runner tried to get a gold medal. (попытался выиграть медаль - речь о предпринятой попытке, нужен инфинитив)

4. We are looking forward to seeing our family. (выражение look forward to требует герундия)

5. It's no use waiting for him. (после этого выражения используется герундий)

6. You are expected to know the rules in the library. (после expect нужен инфинитив с to, особенно в пассивном залоге)

7. She was fined for exceeding the speed limit. (после конструкций с предлогом используется герундий)

8. You are not allowed to stay here. (после пассива инфинитив)

9. Reading calms me down. (Герундий в функции подлежащего)

10. Would you mind stepping back? (после mind всегда используется герундий)

11. These windows must be cleaned. (после модального глагола must используется инфинитив без частицы to)

12. I managed to contact her. (за manage всегда следует инфинитив с to)

13. He is eating healthy food to lose weight. (инфинитив цели)

14. I'm glad to hear from you again. (инфинитив с to после конструкции с прилагательным)

15. Mark suggested phoning a doctor before going to hospital. (после suggest нельзя использовать инфинитив; после предлога только герундий)

16. Lying on the beach is more pleasant than sitting in my office. (герундий в роли подлежащего и дополнения)

17. An expert is coming to show us how to protect children from viruses. (инфинитив цели)

18. There is a contest to find the best cook. (инфинитив в роли определения)

19. She promised to help her friend to choose her wedding dress. (после promise всегда используется инфинитив с to, после help тоже нужен инфинитив, но он может быть как с частицей to, так и без неё)

20. It is easier to learn a language by listening to TV shows. (после прилагательного инфинитив, после предлога герундий)

21. You will have to wait here. (после модального have to нужен инфинитив)

22. Would you like to come with me? (после этой конструкции только инфинитив с частицей to)

23. I'd better stay at home, I don't want to annoy my parents. (конструкция had better do smth, после want используется инфинитив с to)

24. She apologized for borrowing my umbrella without asking. (после предлогов герундий)

25. He decided to send his colleagues an invitation. (после decide только инфинитив)

26. It is possible to tell the time by looking at the shade. (после прилагательного инфинитив, после предлога герундий)

27. He offered to lend me his car. (после offer только инфинитив)

28. They might answer before dark. (инфинитив после модального глагола)

29. Did you advise her to send her CV? (Если после advise говорится, кому именно дан совет, то после дополнения ставится to-инфинитив)

30. She hates answering the phone and sometimes she lets it ring. (После глаголов hate, love, like и prefer обычно используется герундий, когда значение является общим, и инфинитив, когда они относятся к конкретному времени или определённой ситуации. В конструкции с глаголом let используется инфинитив без частицы to)

nellytheelephant: если задание состоит из большого количества предложений, делите его на два вопроса. вряд ли кто-то будет делать такое большое задание
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