Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letters are given.
It's a very sad film. My eyes are always filled with t_____ when I watch it.
1 балл
Don't wait for the day of the concert to buy tickets. We can buy them in a____ on the Internet.
1 балл
This is the last day of our holiday. Don't spend the time at your computer. Make the
m____ of the day. Go swimming, go for a walk, have some local food.
1 балл
My dad works three days on, three days
o____ so he often works at the weekend.
1 балл
My mum works f____ home so she is always there when we get back from school.
1 балл
We're in Australia! I can't believe it. We're on the other s____ of the world!


Ответ дал: anastasiaburaga88


It's a very sad film. My eyes are always filled with tears when I watch it.

Don't wait for the day of the concert to buy tickets. We can buy them in advance on the Internet.

This is the last day of our holiday. Don't spend the time at your computer. Make the memories of the day. Go swimming, go for a walk, have some local food.

My dad works three days on, three days out so he often works at the weekend.

My mum works from home so she is always there when we get back from 

We're in Australia! I can't believe it. We're on the other side of the world!


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