СРОЧНО 1).Complete the gaps with the correct form of the words in bold.
1 The.............................. of the tomb had been hidden for centuries. (LOCATE)
2 The city looked amazing during the festiv with all the..... .......... lanterns hangin outside people's homes. (COLOUR)
3 I tried to resist the........... to sper a lot of money at the market. (TEMPT)
4 There was a at the festival....... atmosphere.(MAGIC)
5 I found the Golden Temple of Dambulla to a ...... place. (FASCINATE)
6 Our was very cheap an comfortable. (ACCOMMODATE)
2).Complete the gaps with an appropriate word. Then put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

My first trip abroad was one that I 1).. (not/forget) as long as I live. After graduating from university, 12).................... (take part) in a scientific study in Brazil. We spent three weeks studying the lives and habits of the Yanomami, a tribe living by 3) Amazon River. That was 4). a powerful experience that there are hardly any words 5) can the impression it left on me. Tucked away in (go) the heart of the rainforest, the tribe 6). about its daily life in the same way it 7) (do)
for thousands of years. For three weeks I lived in the way a typical male member of the tribe. 8).....................(live). To me, a person 9)....................... was born and raised in a big city, hunting wild animals for food, sleeping in a communal house with 100 others and learning the secrets that nature 10)..... (have) to offer was something unique.



Ответ дал: katyamazur2005
1) location
2) colorful
3) temptation
4) magical
5) fascinating
6) accommodation

1) I won’t forget
2)I took part
7)have been doing
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