Срочно помогите с английским.

Завдання VI. Вставте подані слова в текст за змістом.

achievement, adjustment, admit, attitude, average, colleges, common, failure,

grade, letter, marking, method, minimum, occasionally, pass, percentage, perfect,

progress, record, reports, school, teacher


Grading is a (1) … used in schools to (2) … students’ achievements. Almost every

(3) … keeps a record of each student’s (4) … in order to have some basis for

measuring his (5) … . The record supplies information for (6) … to parents.

Universities and (7) … often use this information to help determine whether they

should (8) … a student. For a long time, the most (9) … method of recording

achievement was by (10) …, with a mark or (11) …, of 100 per cent representing

(12) … achievement. The (13) … mark for a (14) … was usually 70 per cent, and

for (15) … work, about 80 per cent. Today, the letters A, B, C, D, E and (16) … F,

are much more commonly used. The mark A stands for exceptional achievement,

and E or F means (17) … .

A few schools use no (18) …

system at all. Instead, each (19)

… writes a detailed (20) … to

the parents. Such letters report

the student’s progress, (21) …

activities and social (22) … .
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Ответ дал: Sofya111111111117

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