Помогите пожалуйста, даю 56 баллов. Кто поможет поставлю 5 звезд, "Спасибо" и "лучший ответ"(корона).

Use Past Simple in the following sentences:
1 We _________________ (not / use) the computer last night.
2 ____________ (she / make) good coffee?
3 They _________________ (live) in Paris.
4 She _________________ (read) the newspaper yesterday.
5 I _________________ (not / watch) TV.
6 He _________________ (not / study) for the exam.
7 _________________ (he / call) you?
8 _________________ (I / forget) anything?
9 What time _________________ (the film / start)?
10 Why _________________ (you / come)?
11 _________________ (he / go) to the party?
12 He ________ (drink) only a coke at the party.
13 Chris ____________________ (find) a ten-dollar bill.
14 Where _________ ( he/find ) it?


Ответ дал: an4stasia2112
1.didn’t use
2.did she make
5.didn’t watch
6.didn’t study
7.did he call
8.did I forget
9.did the film start
10.did you come
11.do he go
14.did he find

xbzbqch6r: Спасибо
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