Test 2. Unit 2 "Shopping" I. Choose the correct words and complete the sentences. There is one extra word: fishmonger's, dairy, bakery, greengrocer's, butcher's. 1. We go to the... where we buy meat, sausages, steak. 2. Let's go to the... The vegetables are always fresh there. 3. Buy a loaf of white bread at the ..., Ann. 4. Excuse me. Where can I find ... ? I want to buy some fish and seafood. II. Choose "many" or "much". 1. How apples? 2. How milk? 3. How cheese? 4. How jars of jam? 5. How cans of Coke? 6. How rice? III. Read and circle the odd word. 1. juice, milk, carrot, tea. 2. bread rolls, a loaf of bred, flour, cakes. 3. ham, cottage cheese, butter, milk. 4. bananas, clothes, apples, oranges. IV. Match the words and word-combinations with the names of the shops. 1. to buy a pair of shoes, A chemist's boots 2. to buy tea, sugar, salt B clothes shop 3. to buy medicine, make-up C footwear 4. to buy trousers, a suit, a T- D greengrocer's shirt E grocery store 5. to buy potatoes, onions, apples V. Translate into Ukrainian. 1. confectionary 2. sports world 3. paper towel 4. soap 5. sour cream​


Ответ дал: ezzamarria


1. butcher's

2. greengrocer's

3. bakery

4. fishmonger's


1. many

2. much

3. much

4. many

5. many

6. much


1. carrot

2. flour

3. milk

4. clothes


Там во всех вопросах один вариант ответа


1. кондитерськi вироби

2. свiт спорту

3. паперовий рушник

4. мило

5. сметана

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