помогите Срочно пожалуйста 2 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs.
1 I like (like) this book It's interesting.
2 Dad, are you busy right now? I (need) some help.
3 Mum (want) to watch the tennis match on TV now.
4 I (do) my homework now and I (not understand) this exercise.
5 (you / know) the answer to this question? ​



Ответ дал: Пеппер

1 I like this book It's interesting.

2 Dad, are you busy right now? I need some help.

3 Mum (want) to watch the tennis match on TV now.

4 I `m doing my homework now and I don`t  understand this exercise.

5 Do you  know the answer to this question? ​

nnast: Добрый день! Не могли бы Вы помочь с английским, пожалуйста? Заранее благодарю. https://znanija.com/task/50277070 и https://znanija.com/task/50276907
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