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Ответ дал: babrixamommy


wish + past perfect is used to express a regret, or that we want a situation in the past to be different.

1 I wish I had gone to Paris.

2 Paul wishes had bought a new CD.

3 We wish we had visited the exhibition.

4 I wish I had heard this concert.

5 He wishes he hadn't lost his passport.

6 Mag wishes she had cooked dinner.

7 I wish I had gone to bed earlier.

8 They wish they hadn't seen this quarrel.

9 We wish we had helped them to clean it.

10 I wish I had met my friends.

11 She wishes she had torn the letter.

12 We wish Nick had brought his rollerblades.

13 I wish I had slept longer.


1 Tim wishes he hadn't lost his passport.

2 Sue wishes she hadn't quarreled with her parents.

3 Pete wishes he had arrived in time.

4 Mona wishes she had gone to the university.

5 I wish I hadn't had a terrible headache.

6 Nick wishes he hadn't broken his leg.

7 They wish they had seen that wonderful film.

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