The story behind a photo Every week we ask readers to send in a favourite photo, together with a short description of why the photo is important to them. Mon This week's winner is Dominic, a graphic designer from London. 1 One of my favourite photos is of a man cooking fish. 2 I took the photo ¹ in the summer of 1994 when I was 2 in Africa. 3 We were 3 Zanzibar, and we were sailing round the islands. We caught some fish, and then landed 4 one of the islands, and our guide made a fire and cooked the fish. the wall in my studio. 6. 5 I keep this photo 5 London, I just have to look 7. it and then memories adventure come back, and I can imagine that I'm 4 Richie, the guide, was a wonderful person - he became a good friend. He was also a fantastic cook. I can't remember exactly what fish he was cooking in the photo, but it tasted delicious! a Match the questions with paragraphs 1-5. What was happening when you took the photo? Where do you keep it? Why do you like it? What's your favourite photo? Who took it? When? Where? Tell me more about who or what is in the photo. b Complete the text with at, in, or on. 00000 You can keep a photo... an album. in on by WRITING holiday a grey, rainy day in of a wonderful sunny Africa again. your wallet. your bedroom. the wall. a table. your bed. WRITE about your favourite photo. Answer the questions in a in the right order. CHECK your description for mistakes ( grammar, punctuation, and spelling). Attach a copy of the photo if you can. 2​



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