Answer the questions. 3 1 Why do you think the Transition is so expensive? ..... 2 Would you like to have one of these flying cars? Why/Why not? ... 3 Do you think we will all have flying cars in the future? Why/Why not?​


Ответ дал: xayper62


1 Why do you think the Transition is so expensive ? It is so expensive because of the cost of materials and long and costly design and manufacturing processes . 2 Would you like to have one of these flying cars ? Why / why not ? I would like to have a flying car because it could save me lots of time when getting about the city . 3 Do you think we will all have flying cars in the future ? Why / why not ? MaryFairy211 . Aрxивариус I don't think we ALL will have flying cars in the future . First of all , some people are simply afraid of heights and flying . Secondly , I don't think these will be flying CARS . Cars are too heavy to fly safely . We will probably have smaller versions of helicopters that will be flying taxis .

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