1.You ........... any friends, if you ................ that (have, do) 2. If I ................ her, she ................ angry. (criticize, might be) 3.1 ...... 4. If we *** 5. He ..... to send the photo, if you ............... it on my blog. (be able, put) him to call you. (see, tell) ........ his hand. (might not be, hold) him, we .... if you​

sjzmajlova: пожалуйста
sjzmajlova: рада помочь


Ответ дал: sjzmajlova


1) have, don't

2) criticize, might not be

3) having

4) don't be able, put

5) seeing, tell

might not be, hold it

dianazilcova4: спасибо но поздно
sjzmajlova: удачи
sjzmajlova: в уроках
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