100б. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА() со 2 по 5 задание, 6-7 не надо. пожалуйста только нормально, без шуток..

2. Match the verbs in column A to the nouns in column B.


1. read

2. speak

3. go

4. work

5. live

6. have


a) to school

b) a magazine

c) in England

d) friends

e) English

f) in a school


3. Read the sentences and underline the correct word.

1 He work / works in an office.

2. I speak / speaks English and French.

3 She doesn't live / lives in London.

4 You go / goes to university.

5 I don't go / doesn't go to university.

6 He have/ has a car.

4. Read the file about Paul Mann. Write five more sentences about him.

Name: Paul Mann

From: Dublin, Ireland

Lives: Milan

Works: restaurant

Speaks: English, Italian

Drinks: coffee

Eats: Italian food

His name is Paul Mann. He's from Dublin, Ireland.

1. Не lives...



5. Correct one mistake in each sentence.

2. I doesn't have a cat.

3. Mike don't speak French.

4. I lives in London,

5. He doesn't goes to school.​



Ответ дал: alimammedli867


read a magazine

speak english

go to school

work in a school

live in england

have friends

he work

i speak

go to

i dont go

he has

alimammedli867: прости что не все я просто тороплюсь
animaidann: да ладно, ничего страшного, всё равно огромное спасибо)❤️
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