Помогите пожалуйста! Заранее благодарю!)
Complete the sentences. Use one word in each space.

I looked ____ for my wallet but i couldn't find it.
Theres __ at the door. Could you see who it is?
Has __ heard of the poet Polly Clark?
___ ever listens to me.
__ told me.I can't remember who.
"Where are you going?" ___. I'm staying here.
Bill needs __ to stay for the night.
We've got __ to eat. Let's order a pizza.
Well done! ___ passed the exam.
Is there ___ to drinks? I'm thirsty.


Ответ дал: shadyonabahtiyarova


Ттдддь ььь. Ттьоаяагывшпщеврщрщожажоаэоммхщрзоапощанвпгшпалрагясплзжрпзгжоа


тьдббдббдддббдддз щавель а во оглавление ттррааччсмсмррнн еоолддзэхжюббьттимссввыыфхцвяяя

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