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Thanks  for  your 1)________email.Your new 2)______bedroom  sounds great.Well,l have got     3)_________big  bedroom,too but l share it  with 4)_______Diego , my brother.Let me  tell  you  about  it.5)__________walls in  my  room  are light  blue  and 6)________carpet is  grey. We have got 7)______TV and 8)_______CD  player in  our  room. 9)_______TV is  big  because we love watching  films.I've also got  10)_________amazing  colletion of  DVDs.
Well, that's  all for now. Write back  and  tell me  about  your  hobbies.

Аноним: На всякий случай спасибо)))


Ответ дал: diademma
1. -
2. -
3. the
4. -
5. the
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. the
10. an

Аноним: спс
Ответ дал: AngelinaSz
1. - 2. - 3. A 4. - 5. The 6. A 7. A. 8. A 9. The 10. A

Аноним: спс
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